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55th Spring Members' Virtual Exhibit 

Starting May 2, 2021 

Judged by Eden Compton 

Reception: May 20, 7:00 pm via ZOOM

Eden Compton's formal art education began with a BA in Art History from Colgate University and independent courses at the International Center for Photography in NYC.  She has studied with master pastelist Doug Dawson and taken workshops with nationally known artists such as Alan Flattman Lois Wooley, Colin Page, and Donald Jurney among others. Her award winning work has been included in national juried shows including the Catherine Lorillard Society, Salmagundi, and the International Pastel Society as well as numerous regional and local shows.  She is a juried member of the Degas Pastel Society, Oil Painters of America, Portrait Society of America, and an Associate With Distinction of the American Women Artists. Click here to visit the:

Rules for Entry:

This is an all member judged but not juried show, all entries will be displayed.  If you are not a member, click here to: 


The judge, Eden Compton, will judge entries to determine which works receive awards.

1. Each work (one per member) can be submitted beginning April, 18 and no later than midnight, April, 28, using the submission form below. 


2. If a work has won an award in a previous BAA show, it may not be entered again. 

3. Cash awards will be given to: Best in Show, First, Second, and Third Places. Ribbons will be awarded for Honorable Mentions. 

4.  Complete Step 1: Submission.  Complete the form below.   The entry fee is $10.

5.  Complete Step 2:  Pay on-line or mail a check to our Treasurer, Criss Macaione, 167 Ormond Street, Albany, NY 12208. 


6.  Upload your art photo.  When photographing your artwork for submission please crop to not show frames, save as a medium or large file, and use your surname as the file name.  Click here for a short video on:  

If you are having any problems with your submission, click here to email:


Please join us Thursday, May, 20th, at 7:00 p.m. via ZOOM 


Shortly before the meeting, an email will be sent to all members with information about joining the meeting.


The exhibit runs through May 31, but will remain available on our website for an extended period of time. 

Step 1: Submit Work

Members may submit 1 (one) piece of work per person

Upload File
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Step 2: Payment

    Entry fee: $10.00

Pay with credit card or PayPal

Pay by Check
Please mail checks to Criss Macaione 167 Ormond St, Albany NY 12208
Enter "Spring 2021" in the memo section of the check. 
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