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Spring Art Exhibit
The Bethlehem Art Association was formed in 1966 to serve as a focal point for all kinds of visual art activities; and to provide contacts among artists, and between artists and the public.
Spring Art Exhibit
The Bethlehem Art Association was formed in 1966 to serve as a focal point for all kinds of visual art activities; and to provide contacts among artists, and between artists and the public.
Fall 2023 Member Show
The Annual Fall Show was held on Friday, November 17 at the Bethlehem Public Library. Comments on the show were made by this year's judge, Peg Foley.

Although the Fall 2023 Show is over, thanks to Mike Joyce you can still see photo galleries of the show and reception using the links to the left.
Our judge, Peg Foley, is a printmaker, fiber artist and art educator. She holds a Master of Science degree in Art Education from the College of St. Rose and a Bachelor of Science degree in Fine Arts from Nazareth College in Rochester. She is the recipient of a Surdna Foundation Fellowship and has studied art at Penland School of Art in North Carolina. She is a recent recipient of several New York State Council on the Arts grants and a Schenectady Foundation grant.
She is an Oakroom artist and has shown her work in and around the Northeast. She designed and was the lead artist responsible for the “Schenectady and Me” community based sculptural bench project. She created sculptural benches throughout the city which incorporated community designed tiles depicting places and moments related to love of the city. In her personal work she uses photo etching and screen-printing processes to create mixed media works which incorporate collage and a variety of fibers into works which reflect on the idea of permanence in an uncertain world.
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