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BAA On-line Salon

 This is an experimental Online Salon. Members can submit images of artwork that they would like to share with others. The artwork can be new or old, finished or in progress. This can be a way to obtain helpful feedback on a piece under development.  A narrative description of the piece and a contact link can be provided.  One submission at a time for members for a duration of two months.
How to View the Salon Submissions - Click on an image, it will be enlarged and you will see comments that have been supplied by the artist. Click again and you will get a larger version of the image.  You can also slide from image to image.
How to participate -
*Send an email to Peter Keitel or SusanTrottier 
*Attach a quality jpeg of your piece.  Include your name and the title of the piece in the file name.
Write a description of your piece.  You can look at items that are already in the Salon to get an idea of what people are saying.  Please keep it to no more than 200 words. We will not be doing any editing of your description. Include your description in the body of your email or as a Word document that is attached to your email. You can include a price.
*You can also add an email address link for viewers to contact you.

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This is a new feature in which BAA members can share things that they have written that they want fellow members to see.  To have something posted, it must be in a document file. Images can be included in the document.  Send a file (doc. or pdf.) to Peter Keitel at 

Items will be posted for one month.  Click on a button to see what has been submitted:
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