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Spring Art Exhibit
The Bethlehem Art Association was formed in 1966 to serve as a focal point for all kinds of visual art activities; and to provide contacts among artists, and between artists and the public.
Spring Art Exhibit
The Bethlehem Art Association was formed in 1966 to serve as a focal point for all kinds of visual art activities; and to provide contacts among artists, and between artists and the public.
Mardi Gras Pictures
The February 2021 Monthly BAA Meeting will be a Mardi Gras celebration. Members were asked to create images that have a Mardi Gras theme, using Mardi Gras colors, do masks, beads, parades, etc. The meeting will, as usual these days, be a ZOOM meeting. Members will be able to hold up their creations and talk abut them. If you wish, you can also have the image included as part of the online gallery below. Images that are in the gallery will be able to be shown at the meeting more clearly. They will be able to be presented in a full screen version that can show more detail. In addition, the gallery will be kept online for a period of time so that the general public can get to see more BAA member art.
To have your image included in the Mardi Gras Gallery please save a medium or large jpeg file as: "Your name.jpeg". Attach the file to an email to Include the title, medium, size, and price in your email.

MARDI GRAS GALLERY - Click on an image to see the whole picture, then click in the upper left section of the screen for a full-screen version. You can also scroll the images.

© 2019 by the Bethlehem Art Association
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