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Spring Art Exhibit
The Bethlehem Art Association was formed in 1966 to serve as a focal point for all kinds of visual art activities; and to provide contacts among artists, and between artists and the public.
Spring Art Exhibit
The Bethlehem Art Association was formed in 1966 to serve as a focal point for all kinds of visual art activities; and to provide contacts among artists, and between artists and the public.
The Bethlehem Art Association was formed in 1966 to serve as a focal point for all kinds of visual art activities; and to provide contacts among artists, and between artists and the public.
BAA remains committed to our creative community. We are meeting in person and virtually this year. Our Fall and Spring Member shows will be held in the Bethlehem Library in Delmar.
Some slides of recent BAA activities:
The BAA meets monthly at the Bethlehem Public Library. Most meetings are on the third Thursday of the month at 6:45 p.m. However, please check the list of main events below to confirm the date.
Opportunity to exhibit in Members' Shows
Opportunity to display artwork on BAA website
Opportunity to display artwork at various community venues
Participation in workshops
Subscription to 5 newsletters per year
Attend demonstrations and learning programs
Invitation to display artwork at special BAA and BAA invited events

2022 Annual Fall Show

October 2021 Monthly Meeting
Kevin Kuhne watercolor demonstration

Cheryl Wikstrom at the December 2022 Meeting

2022 Annual Fall Show
Welcome New and Returning Members!
Would you like to register on-line as a new or returning member?
For more information about the BAA and an on-line application form, click the JOIN TODAY button:
Vice President
Vice President
Recording Secretary
Community Spaces
Student Scholarships
Lynda Spielman
Peter Keitel
Sal Aiello
John Moser
Laurel Petersen
Jacqueline Smith
Gary Mehlum
Ellie Prakken
Ellie Prakken &
Deb Shaw
Michael Joyce
Lynne Kaiser
Peter Keitel & Susan Trottier
Lynda Spielman
Denise Crisafulli
Sue Nye
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